
New Year, New PODCAST!

January 10, 2022

For Amber Design, 2021 was very much about setting the foundation for a big growth year in 2022. While Amber prepared for some family expansion, she also made some key business decisions that have and will continue to help the brand of “Awesome Amber” grow to new heights.

One of our biggest goals for 2022 is to increase and expand our reach.

Enter: Amber Energy – The Podcast!

Amber and Rachel sitting with podcast microphones


We started Amber Energy in an effort to not just talk about graphic design. Although that is a big subject we’ll be covering regularly, we also plan to go into all things business ownership, career success, and all the personal nuts and bolts that have to be tightened and oiled in order for life to keep on moving.

Amber has a unique story. She’s the definition of a “self-made” woman making it in the world. She grew up in rural Western Washington on a farm with daily lessons in hard work, perseverance, and grit that would later pay off when experiencing the various hardships she’d come to face (more on that in a later episode). In high school, it became clear early on that Amber was an exceptional artist–she drew her friends, animals at her farm, and was generally always putting a creative spin on whatever she did.

“Being a kid of the 90s, you know computers were a thing, so I started taking a lot of computer classes. And this teacher–Mr Murray, said ‘You know, you can do art on the computer; it’s a new field its called Graphic Design.’ And I was like…’Well tell me more!'”

Today Amber is the successful owner of Amber Design. She’s been in graphic design for over 12 years and now leads a team of designers and works with businesses from all over the world.

Make sure you tune into Episode 1 of Amber Energy – “From Young Artist to CEO” to hear the FULL story and buckle in for future episodes where we’ll cover topics such as…

  • The Perfect Logo
  • Spending Monday to Make Money
  • Balancing Owning a Business and Being a Mom


And more to come! Episodes will be aimed to release every other Monday starting today wherever you listen to podcasts!


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