
Is your brand looking stale?

January 1, 2019

New year, new you.

With the passing of another year, this is a great time to reflect on the last year and set goals for the coming year. As a business, we often gauge our success based on fiscal revenue or growth. Did we meet our sales goals? How much growth have we experienced year over year? Do we need to expand, possibly through more employees or through improved logistics? Other times we look at efficiencies and the role they play in our success. Where can we improve processes and systems to better reach our goals?

Sales and marketing play a key role in both revenue and growth as well as its efficiencies. Sales are the obvious contributor, but when sales stagnate or more growth is desired, we can look to marketing. We must evaluate; what the competition is doing? How can we differentiate ourselves and our brand? Are we effectively targeting and reaching our key demographic? How does our product or service fit into the current landscape?

We are living in a rapidly changing world; people are constantly being bombarded with ads and information. A business needs to make sure that their products and services stay visible, reach their intended audience, and do so effectively. Media, technology, culture and your customers are evolving and so should you. It’s time to target your sales and marketing goals for the year and get after it with an eye-catching look!

Assets to consider updating:

  • Packaging or Labels
    • Would new packaging or labels help you to stand out on the shelf? Or a simple refresh of packaging to give you that needed boost over the competition?
  • Brochures and Sales Slicks
    • Can you increase the efficiency of your sales force through new or improved brochures and sales slicks? Many times there is new information that needs to be included on sales sheets as product and services change. Or maybe a new and exciting way of presenting information can help to generate more interest.
  • Website User Experience
    • When a user lands on your website, is it clear what you are solving for them?
    • Is your website mobile friendly? With 80% of all website coming from mobile devices, it’s important that your website is responsive to the demand from consumers on this front.
  • Photography and Videos
    • Do the images on your website capture your target audience?
    • Would a video help sell your brand story or product?
  • Tradeshow booth and Handouts
    • Do you have a tradeshow event and need a new look for your booth? Perhaps new banners to showcase a new and exciting product? Or simply want an update to draw new attention? Something to stand out amongst the competitors around you?
  • Product or Service Campaign
    • Would a marketing campaign through social media help drive sales? Target new customers through banners and other postings?

Let’s chat about how we can pump up the visuals for your brand and marketing collateral to get your demographic excited about your products and services.

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