
Tranquility Dental


The owner was referred to me and we instantly hit it off. She came to me with an updated logo and was in the middle of updating her website and she wanted me to update her print materials. I happily obliged. I guided her down my design process offering her many layout and design options before pairing it down to a final solution for each piece.

Home listing bi-fold and flyers

I presented many rounds of ideas for the owner to review and provide feedback. We settled on this elegant brand identity. Materials included business and appointment cards, letterhead, envelopes, referral and general notecards.

Every Door Direct Mail

We worked together to find the right size template and price to use for her bi-fold direct mail piece. I used her new website and logo as inspiration for the brochure for consistancy.

Outdoor foot traffic signage

She needed to increase foot traffic so we updated her A-frame and banners.

Wellness brochure

The owner wanted to rework her non-insurance plan. We made it match the rest of her collateral. We needed it to be welcoming and easy to read following a sales funnel.

Personal Touch

There’s something nice about getting something hand-written in the mail. Tranquility Dental adds this personal touch with is one of the many reasons they are successful.

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